Spelling East Cree (Northern) – Syllabic Finals

The use of the (h) ᔮᐦᔮᐙᑭᓐ

in the middle of a word

The is used in the middle of a word between two vowel sounds or before a consonant. Here are some examples:

Before ᐃ, ᐄ, ᐅ, ᐆ, ᐊ, ᐋ, ᐙ Before ᐱ, ᐲ, ᐳ, ᐴ, ᐹ, ᑆ, ᑉ
ᐃᒻ ᐲᐤ
ᐅᑎᐊᒻ ᐳᐧᐃᐱᔨᑖᐤ
ᐅᑎᐧᐋᐤ ᒑᐤ
ᐅᒥᓂᐅᐧᐃᓐ ᐱᐤ
ᐆᒥᓯᐤ ᒦᒋᐙ
ᐅᑎᐄᒑᐤ ᐅᑎ
ᐋᐙᔒᔥ ᐱᓂᑭᓐ
ᓂᐹᐋᐤ ᒥᑐᑭ
ᒫᑎᐄᑭᓐ ᐹᔑᐤ
ᐄᐱᔨᐤ ᑆᐱᔨᐤ
ᒥᓯᓂᐄᑭᓐ ᐱᐤ
Before ᑎ, ᑏ, ᑐ, ᑑ, ᑖ, ᑣ, ᑦ Before ᒋ, ᒌ, ᒍ, ᒎ, ᒑ, ᒞ, ᒡ
ᑎᒻ ᐅᑖ
ᑎᓐ ᒋᐎᑖᐤ
ᑖᐤ ᐃᔨ
ᐃᔨᑎᐎᓐ ᔮᔮᒌᐤ
ᐄᑐᑖᐤ ᒑᔨᒨ
ᑖᓰᐤ ᒋᒄ
ᑖᐐ ᒑᑐ
ᑎᐱᐎᓐ ᒑᐱᓈᐤ
Before ᑭ, ᑮ, ᑯ, ᑰ, ᑳ, ᒀ, ᒃ, ᒄ Before ᔨ, ᔩ, ᔪ, ᔫ, ᔮ, ᔻ
ᑯᓯᐤ ᔨᐤ
ᐊᑎ ᐙᐱᔮᐤ
ᐄᔨ ᒥᔥᑎᑯᔮᐤ
ᑯᓐ ᐱᒥᔮᐤ
ᑯᒻ ᔮᑯᓯᐤ
ᑳᒫᐤ ᓈᐹᔮᐤ
ᑯᓐ ᔫᔥᑭᒻ
ᑭᓐ ᔮᐙᐤ

It is sometimes difficult to hear the sound but it becomes easier to hear when you say these pairs of words:

With (h) Without (h)
ᑎᐤ ᓰᑎᐤ
ᐹᐤ ᐎᔨᐹᐤ
ᒥᓂᒀᐤ ᒥᓂᒀᐤ
ᔮᐤ ᔮᔮᐤ
ᑯᔖᐤ ᒥᑯᔖᐤ
ᐄᔨ ᑳᒄ
ᑖᐤ ᐹᑖᐤ
ᒋᐱᑎᒻ ᐅᒋᐱᑎᒻ
ᑖᓰᐤ ᓅᑖᐱᑖᓯᐤ
ᐱᑖᐤ ᐹᐱᑖᐤ

See also: Spelling East Cree – Southern Dialect – in the middle of a word