How to convert word documents to syllabics

To convert a Microsoft (MS) Word document with roman ( or syllabics) > syllabics ( or roman), one can use a macro that will handle conversion of Syllabics/Roman. This macro works for windows based Microsoft Word. Here are the steps involved in using this macro. 

  1. Setup the macro (do this once)
    1. Download the macro
    2. Install the macro
  2. Prepare your document
  3. Run the macro

Setup the macro

  1. Click here (Cree East and Moose Syllabic Convertor) and Legacy Converter (for converting old BJECREE to current BJCree UNI) to download the macro
  2. Open MS Word
  3. Go to File > Options > Advanced > File Locations 
  4. Choose Startup and click Modify
  5. Drag the file Unicode Cree Roman VBA Template document into the dialog
  6. Click OK and close the MS Word application
  7. Start the MS Word Application 
  8. You should be able see Unicode Cree Text Tools under the menu Add-ins  

Prepare the document

If you have roman text to convert to syllabic (roman > syllabics), You have to change the font of the roman text to Courier New. The converter when converting roman to syllabics will look for and convert all text that has a Courier New font. This allows you to convert documents with cree and non cree text.

 The converter does not convert text in the header and footer

Run the Macro

Once your text is ready go the menu and choose the Add-in tab from the list choose Unicode Cree Text Tools.

Choose East BJCree UNI > Roman  to convert syllabics to roman.

Choose East Roman > BJCree UNI to convert roman text to syllabic.